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Glossarju ta’ Termini / Glossary of Terms

Glossarju ta’ Termini bil-Malti

Glossarju tal-lista tal-aktar servizzi rappreżentattivi marbuta ma’ kont tal-ħlas u d-definizzjonijiet relatati f’termini ta’ regolament numru 7(1) tar-Regolamenti dwar Istituzzjonijiet ta’ Kreditu u Istituzzjonijiet Finanzjarji (Kontijiet ta’ Ħlas), S.L. 371.18 (“ir-Regolamenti tal-Kont tal-Ħlas”) u l-komunikazzjoni maħruġa mill-Awtorità Maltija għas-Servizzi Finanzjarji fl-14 ta’ Novembru 2018.

Għall-finijiet tal-Glossarju, “kont tal-ħlas” jirreferi għal kont f’isem konsumatur wieħed jew aktar li jintuża għall-eżekuzzjoni ta’ tranżazzjonijiet ta’ ħlas skont ir-Regolament dwar il-Kont tal-Ħlas.

Il-Glossarju huwa disponibbli fuq il-websajt tagħna u fil-fergħat tagħna u tista’ titlob kopja fuq karta jew b’ mod elettroniku, mingħajr ħlas.

  1. Iżżomm il-kont
    Il-fornitur tal-kont jopera l-kont għall-użu mill-konsumatur.
  2. L-abbonament u t-tiġdid tal-ibbankjar elettroniku, bil-mowbajl u bit-telefown
    Il-fornitur tal-kont jipprovdi aċċess lill-konsumatur għall-ibbankjar elettroniku, bil-mowbajl jew bit-telefown.
  3. It-talba għal rendikonti
    Il-konsumatur jitlob rendikonti bankarji, fuq karta jew fuq mezz durabbli ieħor, b’mod addizzjonali għal dawk li l-fornitur tas-servizz tal-pagament huwa meħtieġ li jibgħat bil-liġi.
  4. Ġbid jew depożitu ta’ flus
    Il-konsumatur jitlob li jiddepożita jew jiġbed flus.
  5. Ordni permanenti
    Il-fornitur tal-kont jagħmel trasferimenti regolari, fuq l-istruzzjoni tal-konsumatur, ta’ ammont fiss ta’ flus mill-kont tal-konsumatur għal kont ieħor.
  6. Il-forniment u t-tiġdid ta’ karta ta’ debitu
    Il-fornitur tal-kont jipprovdi karta ta’ pagament marbuta mal-kont tal-konsumatur, li tippermetti lil dan tal-aħħar li jiġbed u jħallas, kemm lokalment, barra mill-pajjiż, u anki online. L-ammont ta’ kull tranżazzjoni bl-użu tal-karta jittieħed direttament u b’mod sħiħ mill-kont tal-konsumatur.
  7. Il-forniment u t-tiġdid ta’ karta ta’ kreditu
    Il-fornitur tal-kont iforni karta ta’ pagament marbuta mal-kont tal-pagamenti tal-konsumatur. L-ammont totali tat-tranżazzjonijiet permezz tal-karta matul perjodu maqbul jittieħed jew b’mod sħiħ jew parzjali mill-kont tal-pagamenti tal-konsumatur f’data maqbula. Ftehim ta’ kreditu bejn il-fornitur u l-konsumatur jiddetermina jekk hux se jkun hemm imgħax meta l-konsumatur jissellef.
  8. Tagħmel ħlasijiet bl-użu ta’ Karta ta’ Debitu jew ta’ Kreditu Internazzjonali
    Il-fornitur tal-kont jippermetti lill-konsumatur sabiex jagħmel pagamenti bl-użu tal-Karta ta’ Debitu jew ta’ Kreditu Internazzjonali.
  9. Tagħmel ħlasijiet bl-użu ta’ Karta ta’ Debitu jew ta’ Kreditu Lokali
    Il-fornitur tal-kont jippermetti lill-konsumatur sabiex jagħmel pagamenti bl-użu tal-Karta ta’ Debitu jew ta’ Kreditu Lokali. - MHUX OFFRUT.
  10. Is-sostituzzjoni ta’ karta
    Il-konsumatur jitlob sostituzzjoni ta’ karta li ntilfet, insterqet jew ġarrbet ħsara.
  11. Id-depożitu u t-tisrif ta’ ċekk
    Il-konsumatur jippreżenta ċekk, kemm lokali u kif ukoll internazzjonali, għal depożitu jew tisrif. - Id-depożitu jew it-tisrif ta’ ċekkijiet maħruġa minn banek barranin MHUX OFFRUT.
  12. Waqfien ta’ċekk
    Il-konsumatur jitlob lill-fornitur tal-kont biex iwaqqaf it-tisrif ta’ ċekk maħruġ minn dak il-konsumatur.
  13. Kif tibgħat flus f’ewro lil kont ieħor fiż-Żona Unika ta’ Pagamenti bl-ewro (SEPA)
    Il-fornitur tal-kont jittrasferixxi l-flus, f’muniti ewro, fuq struzzjoni tal-konsumatur, mill-kont tal-konsumatur għal kont ieħor f’pajjiż tas-SEPA.
  14. Trasferiment ta’ flus f’muniti oħra fi kwalunkwe kont ieħor
    Il-fornitur tal-kont jittrasferixxi l-flus, f’muniti li mhumiex l-ewro, fuq l-istruzzjoni tal-konsumatur, mill-kont tal-konsumatur għal kont ieħor.
  15. Tirċeivi l-flus – ewro
    Il-konsumatur jirċievi flus f’ewro minn kont tal-ewro.
  16. Tirċievi l-flus – f’muniti oħra
    Il-konsumatur jirċievi flus f’muniti li mhumiex l-ewro minn kont mhux tal-ewro.
  17. Overdraft irranġat
    Il-fornitur tal-kont u l-konsumatur jaqblu minn qabel li l-konsumatur jista’ jissellef il-flus meta m’hemmx aktar flus fil-kont. Il-ftehim jiddetermina ammont massimu li jista’ jiġi missellef, u jekk it-tariffi u l-imgħax hux se jiġu ċċarġjati lill-konsumatur.
  18. Debit Dirett
    Il-konsumatur jippermetti li ħaddieħor (riċevitur) jagħti struzzjonijiet lill-fornitur tal-kont biex jittrasferixxi l-flus mill-kont tal-konsumatur għal dak ir-riċevitur. Il-fornitur tal-kont imbagħad jittrasferixxi l-flus lir-riċevitur f’data jew dati li jkunu maqbula mill-konsumatur u r-riċevitur. L-ammont jista’ jvarja.

Glossary of Terms in English

A Glossary of the list of the most representative services linked to a payment account and the related definitions in terms of regulation 7(1) of the Credit Institutions and Financial Institutions (Payment Accounts) Regulations, S.L. 371.18 (“the Payment Account Regulations”) and the communication issued by the Malta Financial Services Authority on the 14th of November 2018.

For the purposes of the Glossary, “payment account” refers to an account held in the name of one or more consumers which is used for the execution of payment transactions in terms of the Payment Account Regulations.

The Glossary is available on our website and at our branches and you may request a copy on paper or electronically, free of charge.

  1. Maintaining the account
    The account provider operates the account for use by the consumer.
  2. Subscribing and renewing internet, mobile and telephone banking
    The account provider provides the consumer with access for banking services using the internet, mobile or telephone.
  3. Requesting statements
    The consumer requests bank statements, in paper or on other durable medium, over and above those which the payment service provider is required to send by law.
  4. Cash withdrawal or deposit
    The consumer requests to deposit or withdraw cash in or from an account.
  5. Standing order
    The account provider makes regular transfers, on the instruction of the consumer, of a fixed amount of money from the consumer’s account to another account.
  6. Providing and renewing a debit card
    The account provider provides a payment card linked to the consumer’s account, enabling the latter to withdraw and pay, locally, abroad, and even online. The amount of each transaction made using the card is taken directly and in full from the consumer’s account.
  7. Providing and renewing a credit card
    The account provider provides a payment card linked to the consumer’s payment account. The total amount of the transactions made using the card during an agreed period is taken either in full or in part from the consumer’s payment account on an agreed date. A credit agreement between the provider and the consumer determines whether interest will be charged to the consumer for the borrowing.
  8. Making payments using an International Debit or Credit Card
    The account provider enables the consumer to make payments using an international debit or credit card.
  9. Making payments using a local Debit or Credit Card
    The account provider only enables the consumer to make local payments using a local debit or credit card. - NOT OFFERED.
  10. Replacing a Card
    The consumer requests a replacement of a card that was lost, stolen or damaged.
  11. Depositing and encashing a cheque
    The consumer presents a cheque, whether local or international, for deposit or encashment. - The deposit and encashment of cheques issued by foreign banks is NOT OFFERED.
  12. Stopping a cheque
    The consumer asks the account provider to stop the encashment of a cheque issued by that consumer.
  13. Sending money in euro to other account in the Single Euro Payment Area
    The account provider transfers money, in euro, on the instruction of the consumer, from the consumer’s account to another account in a SEPA country.
  14. Sending money in other currencies to any other account
    The account provider transfers money, in non-euro currencies, on the instruction of the consumer, from the consumer’s account to another account.
  15. Receiving money – euro
    The consumer receives money in euros from euro account.
  16. Receiving money - other currencies
    The consumer receives money in non-euro currencies from non-euro account.
  17. Arranged overdraft
    The account provider and the consumer agree in advance that the consumer may borrow money when there is no money left in the account. The agreement determines a maximum amount that can be borrowed, and whether fees and interest will be charged to the consumer.
  18. Direct Debit
    The consumer permits someone else (recipient) to instruct the account provider to transfer money from the consumer’s account to that recipient. The account provider then transfers money to the recipient on a date or dates agreed by the consumer and the recipient. The amount may vary.
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